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25 Best customer service survey questions to ask

Updated: April 22, 2024
25 Best customer service survey questions to ask
25 Best customer service survey questions to ask

Executive summary

This blog illuminates the formulation of effective customer service survey questions, a cornerstone for businesses aiming to enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty. It guides readers through selecting the right questions, leveraging various survey types, and understanding their profound impact on customer experience and business growth. By exploring practical examples and benefits, this blog empowers businesses to craft surveys that gather feedback and also drive actionable insights for service improvement.

Ever wondered what your customers honestly think? It’s like being a detective in your own business, where every piece of feedback is a clue to unlocking greater satisfaction and loyalty. In today’s market, a single unsatisfactory experience could send over half of your customers to a competitor, as reported by the Zendesk Customer Experience Trends Report 2024. Yet, the promise of outstanding service can encourage 70% of Americans to spend 13% more with you. That’s where customer service surveys come in. Do not consider it a mere formality, but it is a strategic tool sharpened by AI that asks just the right questions at the perfect moment.

Imagine a scenario where every customer interaction provides a nugget of wisdom, guiding your business toward service perfection. In this scenario, AI can be your ally in decoding complex customer sentiments, predicting needs, and personalizing experiences. Through meticulously designed survey questions, businesses can measure satisfaction and also anticipate future expectations. It sets the stage for a continuous feedback loop that elevates every touchpoint. Read on us as we explore the intricacies of constructing survey questions that do more than ask—they listen, understand, and act.

What is a customer service survey?

It is no secret that understanding your customers’ perceptions and experiences is essential for every business. A customer service survey serves as a bridge between the company and its clientele. It offers a direct line of communication that is both revealing and transformative. This systematic approach to soliciting feedback goes beyond mere inquiries; it’s a strategic instrument designed to gauge customer satisfaction, unearth insights, and guide improvements across all touchpoints. Each survey question is crafted to ask, and to listen, understand, and act on the feedback provided.

Why should businesses prioritize deploying these surveys? The answer lies in the actionable intelligence they provide. By systematically analyzing responses, companies can pinpoint areas of excellence and identify opportunities for enhancement. This continuous loop of feedback and improvement fosters a culture of responsiveness and adaptability. It’s about recognizing that every customer interaction, from the product user interface to the efficiency of customer support, plays a critical role in shaping overall satisfaction and loyalty.

Deploying customer service surveys reflects a business’s commitment to valuing its customers’ opinions. It’s an acknowledgment that customer experiences are multifaceted and that understanding these experiences requires a nuanced, strategic approach. Surveys empower customers to voice their thoughts and businesses to respond with meaningful actions. This dynamic interaction underscores the importance of customer service surveys in today’s competitive market, where personalized, attentive service is a must. Through careful planning and execution, businesses can leverage these surveys to enhance customer satisfaction significantly. Doing so helps drive loyalty and long-term success.

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Types of customer survey questions

In the strategic pursuit of gathering actionable customer insights, the art of asking the right questions in customer service surveys cannot be understated. Each type of question serves a distinct purpose, opening different pathways to understanding the customer’s experience. By aligning question types with specific objectives, businesses can tailor their surveys to yield both quantitative and qualitative data.

1. Questions utilizing the Likert scale

The Likert scale is a quintessential tool in the survey arsenal. It allows respondents to express their degree of agreement or sentiment towards a statement. This format is invaluable when quantifying attitudes, satisfaction levels, or perceptions, providing a straightforward method for customers to communicate their feelings. 

Employing the Likert Scale can illuminate trends in customer satisfaction and enable businesses to gauge overall sentiment efficiently. For instance, asking “How satisfied were you with the service received?” with options ranging from “Very satisfied” to “Very dissatisfied” can offer clear insight into service performance. However, it’s this method’s simplicity that also demands supplementary questions to delve deeper into the ‘why’ behind the scores.

2. Multiple-choice question formats

Multiple-choice questions streamline the survey process. They offer respondents a set of predefined answers to choose from. This approach is especially beneficial for gathering specific information or classifying responses into distinct categories, such as identifying the most utilized service channels or pinpointing common product preferences. 

While this format simplifies data analysis and enhances response rates by reducing effort, it may limit the depth of insight by constraining responses to the options provided. An example could involve asking, “Which of our services did you use?” with a list of services as possible answers. It will help identify popular services but possibly overlook emerging needs or issues not listed.

3. Open-ended questions with text fields

Open-ended questions invite respondents to share their thoughts in their own words. It offers rich, nuanced insights beyond the scope of structured questions. This format is indispensable for exploring the reasons behind customer behaviors, satisfaction levels, or preferences in detail. 

While analyzing open-ended responses can be more challenging, requiring sophisticated text analytics tools for large datasets, the depth and breadth of understanding they provide are unparalleled. Asking, “What aspect of our service could be improved?” permits customers to highlight specific areas needing attention. It can often reveal insights not previously considered by the business.

Benefits of customer service surveys

The voice of the customer is a pivotal compass that guides companies toward success and sustainability. Customer service surveys are vital tools in this journey, not merely for feedback collection but as a strategic asset for transformative business insights. Let’s understand the various benefits these surveys offer.

1. Reduce customer churn rates

At the heart of customer retention lies the ability to understand and respond to customer needs effectively. Surveys act as a diagnostic tool. They reveal satisfaction levels and deeper insights into potential friction points or unmet needs. The direct correlation is clear: addressing feedback proactively reduces churn, as customers feel valued and seen. This feedback loop creates a responsive environment where businesses adapt and evolve based on accurate customer inputs.

2. Pinpoint opportunities for enhancement

The beauty of customer service surveys lies in their ability to illuminate the path forward. Each response serves as a beacon, highlighting areas ripe for improvement—be it product features, service protocols, or customer engagement strategies. This systematic uncovering of insights enables businesses to prioritize interventions where they matter most. Logical deduction from survey data empowers companies to make evidence-based decisions.

3. Boost customer referrals

The link between outstanding service and customer advocacy is undeniable. Surveys, in addition to gauging satisfaction, also identify delighted customers who are potential brand ambassadors. By recognizing and nurturing these relationships, businesses can organically grow their referral base. The strategy is straightforward: deliver exceptional experiences informed by survey insights, and customers will naturally share their positive encounters.

4. Elevate customer service quality

Surveys offer a mirror to the organization, reflecting the quality of customer interactions and service delivery. This continuous feedback mechanism ensures that standards meet and exceed customer expectations. Implementing changes based on survey results is a testament to a business’s commitment to excellence. It signals to customers that their voices drive service evolution.

5. Evaluate the performance of customer service agents

Beyond capturing customer sentiments, surveys provide a granular view of individual agent performance. This insight is invaluable for identifying training needs, acknowledging exemplary service, and fostering a culture of accountability and growth. By linking feedback to specific interactions, businesses can tailor development programs, reinforce positive behaviors, and address areas needing attention.

Related read: Customer success manager – Responsibilities, skills & key metrics

Examples of customer service survey questions

Crafting precise customer service survey questions is pivotal in understanding and enhancing the customer experience. Each question type serves a unique purpose, providing insights that help businesses tailor their services and products to meet customer needs more effectively. Here’s an in-depth look at various question types, highlighting their importance and providing examples to inspire your next customer service survey.

1. Agent-specific survey questions

Feedback on customer-agent interactions offers a direct lens into service quality and agent performance. These questions are crucial for identifying training opportunities and recognizing outstanding service.

Understanding the impact of individual agent interactions on customer satisfaction helps refine training programs and reward systems. It’s about ensuring every agent represents your brand’s commitment to excellence in customer service.

Top examples of agent-specific survey questions

1. How satisfied were you with the service provided by our agent? (The question measures direct satisfaction levels, providing a baseline for agent performance.)

2. Did our agent resolve your concern to your satisfaction? (The question focuses on the effectiveness of the resolution and highlights areas for potential process improvement.)

3. How would you rate the professionalism of our agent? (Professionalism impacts customer trust and loyalty; this question seeks to quantify it.)

4. Was the agent knowledgeable about the product/service? (A knowledgeable agent is crucial for efficient problem resolution and customer satisfaction.)

5. How clear was the communication from our agent? (Effective communication is essential for understanding and resolving customer issues.)

2. Channel-specific survey questions

Evaluating each communication channel’s effectiveness ensures that customers receive the best possible support, regardless of how they choose to interact with your business.

Identifying the strengths and weaknesses of each channel allows businesses to allocate resources more effectively, ensuring every customer touchpoint is optimized for satisfaction.

Top examples of channel-specific survey questions

1. Which support channel did you use, and how satisfied were you with your experience? (This question gauges satisfaction across different channels, directing improvements where needed.)

2. Was it easy to find the help you needed on our [specific channel]? (Assesses the user-friendliness and accessibility of support channels.)

3. Did our [specific channel] efficiently resolve your issue? (Efficiency in problem resolution can vary by channel; this question helps identify discrepancies.)

4. How likely are you to use [specific channel] for future support needs? (Indicates customer preference and potential channel optimization.)

5. What improvements would you suggest for our [specific channel]? (Open-ended feedback for actionable insights on enhancing channel-specific experiences.)

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3. Customer Effort Score (CES) survey questions

CES questions aim to measure the ease with which customers can achieve their goals. These questions highlight the direct relationship between effort and loyalty. 

Reducing customer effort is directly linked to increased satisfaction and loyalty. CES questions help pinpoint friction points in the customer journey, offering opportunities for simplification and improvement.

Related read: What is Customer Effort Score and how to improve CES?

Top examples of customer Effort Score (CES) survey questions

1. How easy was it to get your issue resolved with us today? (This question directly measures the effort required, indicating areas for process simplification.)

2. Could you find the information you needed without contacting support? (It evaluates self-service options, which are crucial for reducing direct contact and improving scalability.)

3. What could we do to make solving your problem easier? (Invites actionable suggestions for reducing customer effort.)

4. Did our solution fully address your concern on the first try? (A ‘yes’ indicates low effort, while a ‘no’ suggests areas for improvement in understanding and addressing customer needs.)

5. How likely are you to seek help from us again based on this experience? (Links the effort to future interaction intentions, highlighting the importance of ease in retaining customers.)

4. Customer Satisfaction Survey (CSAT) questions

CSAT questions are vital for gauging customers’ immediate sentiments regarding a specific interaction, product, or service. They offer a snapshot of satisfaction levels and are crucial for maintaining high service standards.

Immediate feedback on satisfaction allows businesses to address concerns proactively and celebrate successes. It provides a direct line of sight into what’s working and what’s not from the customer’s perspective.

Related read: How to measure customer satisfaction: Key metrics explained

Top examples of customer Satisfaction Survey (CSAT) questions

1: How would you rate your overall satisfaction with our service today? (It takes a broad measure of satisfaction that can highlight general areas of success or improvement.)

2: To what extent did our product meet your expectations? (Assesses if the product lives up to the promises made, indicating potential gaps in product delivery or marketing.)

3: Was your issue resolved to your satisfaction? (Directly ties the resolution quality to customer satisfaction, pinpointing effectiveness.)

4: How satisfied are you with the timeliness of the service provided? (Timeliness is often a critical component of satisfaction; this question seeks to evaluate its impact.)

5: What could we have done to make your experience better? (Invites specific feedback, providing actionable insights for enhancing satisfaction.)

5. Net Promoter Score (NPS) survey questions

NPS surveys measure customer loyalty and the likelihood of referrals, offering insight into the overall health of customer relationships.

NPS is a powerful predictor of growth and loyalty. By identifying promoters, passives, and detractors, businesses can tailor strategies to convert customers into brand advocates.

Related read: Net Promoter Score (NPS): The definitive guide for businesses

Top examples of Net Promoter Score (NPS) survey questions

1: On a scale of 0-10, how likely are you to recommend our services to a friend or colleague? (This is the standard NPS question that classifies customers based on their likelihood to promote the brand.)

2: What’s the primary reason for your score? (Provides context to the NPS score, helping to understand the drivers behind customer sentiment.)

3: How can we improve your experience to make it more likely for you to recommend us? (Seeks actionable feedback for turning passives and detractors into promoters.)

4: What did you appreciate most about our service? (Highlights strengths to be leveraged in marketing and service delivery.)

5: Is there anything that would make you more likely to use our service again? (Identifies factors that could increase loyalty and repeat business, critical for sustained growth.)

How does help in conducting customer service surveys?

In the dynamic world of customer service, where personalization and efficiency reign supreme, integrating advanced technology like AI is not just beneficial—it’s essential. stands at the forefront of this revolution, offering AI-powered solutions tailored to enhance customer service surveys and beyond. Our platform seamlessly bridges the gap between gathering actionable insights and delivering unparalleled customer experiences.

  • Omnichannel support:’s platform excels in providing a consistent, unified customer service experience across all channels. Whether it’s social media, email, chat, or phone, our AI ensures your surveys reach customers wherever they are in the most convenient format for them.
  • Multilingual capabilities: With support for over 135 languages and dialects, demolishes language barriers, making your customer service surveys globally accessible. This feature ensures that feedback collection is inclusive, capturing a wide range of customer voices and experiences.
  • Advanced analytics: Dive deep into customer feedback with our cutting-edge analytics.’s AI-powered tools analyze survey responses, uncovering trends, sentiments, and actionable insights. It helps businesses pinpoint areas for improvement and celebrate strengths, fostering a cycle of continuous enhancement.
  • Personalization at scale: Tailor every customer interaction with AI that learns from each interaction. delivers personalized survey questions based on customer history and preferences, increasing engagement rates and the quality of feedback collected.
  • Automation for efficiency: Automate routine survey distributions and follow-ups, saving valuable time and resources while ensuring no customer feedback opportunity is missed. Our AI can trigger surveys based on specific customer actions or milestones, gathering timely and relevant insights.

Book a Demo with and discover how our AI-driven solutions can transform your customer service strategy, turning every survey into a stepping stone toward excellence.

The final thoughts: Empowering your customer service

Embarking on a journey to refine customer service with insightful surveys is more than a strategic move; it’s a commitment to valuing your customers’ voices and experiences. In a landscape filled with choices, standing out hinges on your ability to listen, adapt, and exceed expectations. Leveraging the right questions, informed by AI and powered by, sets the stage for a customer-centric evolution. It transforms feedback into fuel for growth and loyalty.

Remember, the goal is not just to ask but to act. With’s AI-driven insights and omnichannel capabilities, your business is well-equipped to navigate the complexities of customer satisfaction and forge a path toward service excellence that resonates with every customer interaction. Together, let’s reimagine what customer service can be.

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