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Customer service agents training

Customer service agents training checklist

Our customer service agents training checklist ensures your team has the skills and knowledge to excel in customer interactions. It provides a structured approach to training that covers essential techniques and best practices. Dive into this checklist to build a proficient, confident customer service team that consistently delivers exceptional service.

Who can benefit from the customer service agents training checklist?


Essential for setting high service standards that drive customer satisfaction and business growth.

Human resources

Streamlines training processes, ensuring customer service teams are well-equipped and consistent.

Customer support supervisors

Aids in coaching and maintaining high service quality across customer support teams.

Customer service team members

Provides clear guidance on skills development for effective and efficient customer interaction.

The customer service agents training checklist


Prepare a company laptop or PC for the new agent

Equipping a new agent with a properly configured company laptop or PC is the foundational step in ensuring their success. This ensures they have the necessary hardware to perform their duties effectively.
Why preparing a company laptop or PC for the new agent is important?

A dedicated work computer helps maintain security protocols, ensures compatibility with company software, and offers a reliable tool for all work-related tasks

How to prepare a company laptop or PC for the new agent?
  • Select a laptop or PC that meets the specifications required for all the software and tools your customer service team uses.
  • Install all necessary software, including operating systems, security tools, communication platforms, and customer service management applications.
What tools can be used to prepare a company laptop or PC for the new agent?
  • Hardware inventory management tools.
  • Software like Microsoft Intune or Jamf 
  • Customer service software (e.g.
A new customer service agent receives a laptop with the latest security software and all necessary pre-installed applications. This setup allows them to immediately begin training without delays caused by technical issues, streamlining their integration into the team.

Provide the agents with a company email address

Issuing a company email address to new agents is critical in integrating them into the company’s communication network. It enables secure and official communication both internally and with customers.
Why providing the agents with a company email address is important?

A company email address facilitates professional correspondence and helps maintain security and privacy standards. It ensures all communications are traceable and stored securely, adhering to company and regulatory policies.

How to provide the agents with a company email address?
  • Coordinate with your IT department or email service provider to create new email accounts following company naming conventions.
  • Ensure that email accounts are configured with necessary security settings such as spam filters and encryption.
What tools to use for providing the agents with a company email address?
  • Email management systems
  • Laptop or PC with an internet connection
  • Company domain name
Upon joining the company, each new customer service agent receives an email address that follows a standard format (e.g., [email protected]). This standardization makes it easy for colleagues and customers to identify and communicate with the agent, streamlining workflow and enhancing professional appearance.

Create all of the necessary accounts

It involves setting up all required user accounts for new agents on various platforms and services essential for their day-to-day operations. These include CRM software, internal databases, support ticketing systems, and any other tools your customer service team uses.
Why creating all of the necessary accounts is important?

Creating necessary accounts ensures new agents can access all the tools and information needed to perform their duties effectively. This step is crucial for smooth integration into the team and immediate productivity.

How to create all of the necessary accounts?
  • Identify all platforms and services the agent will need to use.
  • Use administrative privileges to create user accounts on these platforms, ensuring that each account is set up with the appropriate level of access based on the agent’s role.
  • Provide initial login credentials to the new agents, typically through a secure method.
What tools to use for creating all of the necessary accounts?
  • User management software platform
  • Identity and access management systems
  • My GSuite
  • Slack
  • Zoom
For a newly hired agent, the IT department creates user accounts in Salesforce, Zendesk, and the company’s internal communication platform, Slack. Each account is configured with role-appropriate permissions, allowing the agent to access only the tools and data necessary for their specific duties, thereby enhancing security and efficiency from the start.

Set up all accounts with two-factor authentication

Implementing two-factor authentication (2FA) for all necessary accounts provides an additional layer of security, protecting both the agent’s and customers’ data from unauthorized access.
Why setting up all accounts with two-factor authentication is important?

Security is paramount in customer service operations, especially when handling sensitive customer information. 2FA ensures that even if login credentials are compromised, the integrity of the account remains protected.

How to set up all accounts with two-factor authentication?
  • Enable 2FA on all platforms that support it, which typically include CRM systems, email accounts, and internal databases.
  • Provide agents with 2FA devices or set up software-based 2FA solutions like Google Authenticator or Authy.
  • Train agents on how to use 2FA and explain the importance of this security measure.
What tools to use for Setting up all accounts with two-factor authentication?
  • Google Authenticator
  • Authy
  • Microsoft Authenticator.
  • Security management platforms
After setting up email and CRM accounts for new agents, the IT department activates 2FA. Agents download a 2FA app on their phones, which generates a code required to complete the login process. This step ensures that access to customer data is securely controlled, significantly reducing the risk of data breaches.

Add their shifts, attendance, and meetings to your company calendar

Integrating new agents’ schedules into the company’s central calendar system ensures that their work shifts, attendance records, and any scheduled meetings are documented and accessible to relevant parties.
Why is it important to add their shifts, attendance, and meetings to your company calendar?

This organization aids in efficient workforce management, allowing for better team coordination and ensuring managers can effectively oversee agent availability and commitments. It also helps new agents stay informed about their responsibilities and upcoming engagements.

How to add their shifts, attendance, and meetings to your company calendar?
  • Use a centralized digital calendar system accessible to all team members.
  • Input all relevant scheduling details for new agents, including shift times, training sessions, and meeting invites.
  • Ensure that agents have access to this calendar and understand how to check and manage their schedules.
What tools to use for adding their shifts, attendance, and meetings to your company calendar?
  • Google Calendar
  • Microsoft Outlook
  • Workforce management tools
Upon hiring, a new agent’s complete onboarding schedule, including training sessions, one-on-one meetings with their supervisor, and their initial work shifts, are added to the company’s Outlook calendar. This allows both the management and the new agent to keep track of commitments and ensures that the agent integrates smoothly into the existing workflow.

Hold an introductory session with their support manager

It involves a formal meeting between the new agent and their direct supervisor or support manager. The session serves as an official welcome and provides an opportunity for both parties to discuss expectations, roles, and responsibilities.
Why holding an introductory session with their support manager is important?

An introductory session is vital for establishing a clear line of communication and understanding between new agents and management. It helps set the tone for their role within the team and clarifies what support they can expect as they integrate into the company.

How to hold an introductory session with their support manager
  • Schedule a one-on-one meeting shortly after the agent starts their position.
  • Prepare an agenda that covers job responsibilities, team structure, performance metrics, and available resources.
  • Encourage an open dialogue where the new agent can ask questions and express any initial concerns.
What tools can be used for holding an introductory session with their support manager?
  • Calendly
  • Google Drive
  • SharePoint
A new customer service agent meets with their support manager on their first day. During this session, the manager outlines the team’s goals, discusses the company’s customer service philosophy, and reviews the agent’s primary duties. The agent leaves the meeting with a clear understanding of what is expected and how their role contributes to the team’s success.

Give an internal company product demo presentation

It involves providing new agents with a detailed demonstration of the company’s products or services. The presentation is designed to familiarize them with the key features, benefits, and potential customer queries related to each product.
Why giving an internal company product demo presentation is important?

Agents must understand the products or services offered to assist customers and address their needs effectively. A comprehensive demo ensures that agents are knowledgeable and confident when discussing the company’s offerings with customers.

How to give an internal company product demo presentation?
  • Arrange for a knowledgeable team member or product specialist to conduct the demo.
  • Cover all major products or services, highlighting common customer questions and typical use cases.
  • Ensure the presentation includes interactive elements or hands-on activities to enhance learning.
What tools to use for giving an internal company product demo presentation?
  • Microsoft PowerPoint
  • Google slides
  • Product demonstration tools
  • Live product demos
During their first week, new customer service agents attend a product demo where they are shown the latest software suite the company offers. The presentation includes a step-by-step guide on how the software operates, typical issues customers face, and how to resolve these issues. Agents also get a chance to interact with the software under a product expert’s guidance, helping solidify their understanding.

Have a complex technical overview session

It involves providing new agents with a deeper and more technical understanding of the company’s products or services. It’s designed to address the more intricate aspects and potential technical issues that might arise during customer interactions.
Why having a complex technical overview session is important?

A complex technical overview is crucial for agents who need to resolve customer issues effectively and provide accurate information. This detailed knowledge helps them understand not just what the product or service does but also how it works, which is essential for troubleshooting and explaining features to customers.

How to have a complex technical overview session?
  • Organize a session led by a technical expert or a senior team member with in-depth knowledge of the product’s technical aspects.
  • Use real-world scenarios to illustrate how to handle complex queries or problems that customers may encounter.
  • Encourage agents to ask questions to ensure they fully understand the technical details.
What tools to use for having a complex technical overview session?
  • Advanced training modules
  • Simulation software
A telecom company holds a technical overview session for new customer service agents focusing on troubleshooting common issues with internet connectivity. The session includes a detailed explanation of the network setup, common technical problems, and step-by-step troubleshooting processes. Agents practice these procedures in a simulated environment, which prepares them to handle real-life customer issues more competently.

Conduct a knowledge review session

This step involves assessing the new agents’ understanding and retention of the information presented during previous training sessions. It’s designed to ensure that agents have a solid grasp of company policies, product details, and technical procedures.
Why conducting a knowledge review session is important?

A knowledge review session is crucial for confirming that agents are well-prepared to begin interacting with customers. It helps identify any areas where further clarification or additional training might be needed, ensuring all agents meet the required competence level before they start handling customer queries independently.

How to conduct a knowledge review session?
  • Organize a formal assessment that may include quizzes, role-playing scenarios, or practical tests based on the training content.
  • Review the results to identify common knowledge gaps or areas of misunderstanding.
  • Provide immediate feedback and additional training resources as necessary to address any deficiencies.
What tools to use for conducting a knowledge review session?
  • Learning Management Systems (LMS)
  • Role-playing tools
  • Simulation software
After a week of intensive product and procedures training, a retail company administers a knowledge review session involving a quiz on product features and a role-play exercise simulating a customer interaction. The results help trainers identify agents who need further instruction on specific products, allowing for targeted retraining sessions to ensure all team members are adequately prepared.

Start the first assisted chat experience

New agents handle their initial customer interactions under the guidance and supervision of a more experienced colleague. The assisted chat experience allows agents to apply their training in a controlled, real-world setting, fostering confidence and practical skills.
Why starting the first assisted chat experience is important?

The first assisted chat experience is critical for bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application. It ensures that new agents are not only ready to handle customer queries on their own but are also familiar with the typical workflow and common challenges they might face.

How to start the first assisted chat experience?
  • Pair new agents with experienced mentors who can provide real-time feedback and guidance during customer interactions.
  • Start with less complex customer inquiries to gradually build the new agent’s confidence and skill level.
  • Monitor the chats and provide immediate feedback or assistance if needed.
What tools to use for starting the first assisted chat experience?
  • Customer support platforms
  • Real-time communication tools
A new agent at an online retailer handles her first customer chat with the assistance of a seasoned customer service agent. The mentor observes the chat in real time and uses a private messaging tool to suggest responses and guide the conversation. The session ends successfully with the customer’s issue resolved, and the new agent receives constructive feedback that helps refine her approach for future interactions.

Assign their first tickets

It involves new agents receiving their initial set of customer support tickets to manage independently, although with continued access to support and guidance from their team or supervisor. This allows them to begin applying their training and knowledge to real-world scenarios.
Why assigning their first tickets is important?

Handling their first tickets is crucial for new agents as it tests their ability to manage customer issues effectively using the company’s ticketing system. It serves as a practical assessment of their problem-solving skills and their understanding of company procedures.

How to assign their first tickets?
  • Select initial tickets that are relatively straightforward to build confidence, gradually increasing in complexity as the agent gains experience.
  • Ensure that supervisors or mentors are available to provide support or intervene if necessary.
  • Monitor the agents’ handling of these tickets closely to provide timely feedback and guidance.
What tools to use for assigning their first tickets?
  • Ticket management systems
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software
  • Internal communication tools
A newly trained customer service agent at a software company is assigned three support tickets regarding common user issues after completing their training. Under the supervision of their manager, the agent successfully resolves these issues, applying the troubleshooting protocols they learned. The manager reviews the ticket resolutions and provides feedback, praising the agent’s approach and offering tips for further improvement.

Work on their first normal shift

This step marks the transition of new agents from training and closely supervised tasks to handling a full, normal shift on their own. It’s their opportunity to manage day-to-day responsibilities and customer interactions independently.
Why working on their first normal shift is important for new agents?

Working their first normal shift is crucial for new agents as it tests their ability to apply their training comprehensively and manage the typical workload of a customer service representative. It serves as a real test of their readiness to function as a full member of the team.

How to work on their first normal shift?
  • Ensure that the agent is well-prepared with all necessary tools and access to information systems.
  • Schedule the first shift during a typically less busy time if possible, to allow the agent to adjust without overwhelming pressure.
  • Have a mentor or supervisor available for consultation to provide support and address any immediate questions or issues.
What tools to use for working on their first normal shift?
  • Workforce management software
  • Real-time communication tools
A new agent handles customer calls and emails with minimal supervision during his first regular shift. The shift supervisor remains available via instant messaging to assist with complex queries. The agent resolves most issues independently, using resources like the company’s internal knowledge base and prior training insights. Customer and supervisor feedback is positive, confirming the agent’s readiness to handle regular duties.

Evaluate their performance during the probation period

Conduct a formal assessment of the new agents’ performance throughout their probation period. The evaluation is designed to review their overall effectiveness, adherence to company standards, and ability to handle customer interactions independently.
Why evaluating their performance during the probation period is important?

Evaluating performance during the probation period is essential for ensuring that new agents meet the organization’s service quality and professionalism expectations. It helps determine whether additional training is needed or whether the agent can continue without probationary limitations.

How to evaluate their performance during the probation period?
  • Use performance metrics established at the start of the probation period, such as customer satisfaction ratings, resolution times, and adherence to protocol.
  • Conduct formal reviews involving feedback from supervisors, peers, and potentially customers.
  • Decide on the next steps, which could include ending the probation period successfully, extending it for further observation, or in some cases, termination if performance standards are not met.
What tools to use for evaluating their performance during the probation period?
  • Performance management systems
  • Customer feedback tools
At the end of a three-month probation period, a customer service manager reviews the performance of a new agent using data from the CRM regarding customer feedback, issue resolution efficiency, and a log of handled tickets. The review also includes feedback sessions with team members who have worked closely with the agent. Based on the positive outcomes and satisfactory feedback, the agent is confirmed to have completed their probation.
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