Personalized healthcare is just a conversation away

Deliver round-the-clock support with’s HIPAA-compliant Dynamic Automation Platform

Drive business growth with connected healthcare experiences


patient queries
self served


increase in patient satisfaction

Real-time patient support

Slash support costs by upto 60% with round-the-clock self-service across channels

Dynamic voice AI agent

Empower patients with empathetic, human-like interactions through Voice AI Agents that deliver personalized responses. Leverage our deep healthcare expertise for outbound communications & inbound patient queries.

Patient referral and scheduling

Facilitate seamless patient referrals, appointment scheduling, consultation and lab test bookings. Integrate with existing CRM/ERP systems for real-time availability, enhancing patient convenience.

Billing and payments

Simplify payment processing with dynamic AI agents across channels. Effortlessly integrate with existing payment solutions for streamlined billing and payments.

Go live with your Healthcare AI bots 2X faster

Enhanced patient engagement

Enable effortless onboarding, proactive suggestions on preventive care, nutrition and overall health management

Patient registration

Automate patient registration, verification and new account creation.

Virtual consultation

Effortless digital consultations across 35+ text & voice channels.

Alerts and notifications

Send out proactive health tips, reminders on medication, and upcoming appointments.

Connected healthcare experiences

Enhance patient satisfaction using’s Conversational Service Cloud (CSC) for connected interactions across multiple channels/devices.

Post consultation summary

Automate summarization of appointment with prescription, diagnosis and other information.

Nearest clinic

Enable effortless access to physical clinics for in-person appointments.

Lab results and prescriptions

Securely share lab reports, prescriptions with customers over multiple channels.

Grow healthcare revenue

Run personalized campaigns on multiple channels with Conversational Commerce Cloud (CMC) to generate 25% more leads

Templates powered by generative AI

Just input tonality, context and user segment to get AI generated marketing templates

AI powered canned responses


Generate end-to-end campaign workflows powered by AI


Leverage Customer Data Platform to run targeted campaigns based on user insights

We've been called gamechangers for a reason.

The most trusted & award-winning AI platform out there.
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